Monday 25 March 2013


Pain is part of the package of life. We can hide it or ignore it, we can wallow in it, or we can embrace it.
      Acknowledging and embracing pain are the skills of a spiritually healthy person. In Psalm 42, the psalmist comes to grips with his deep pain and discouragement. He remembers better days and describes the depths of his grief.
On several occasions, Jesus also acknowledged and expressed painful emotions. His cry of loneliness from the cross (Mathew 27:46) was the ultimate expression of his personal suffering for our sin.
    God wants to touch our spirit in the midst of our deepest pain & loneliness to bring comfort and hope. He is a loving father who grieves with us. His presence has sustained countless believers in times of suffering. Even when we can't feel him, we know God is near because he has promised never to leave us (Hebrews 13:5).
          No pain lasts forever. The psalmist reminded himself to hang on for the good times to come.  We, too, know that God will see us through to the other side, stronger and with even more proof of his faithfulness. Pain or struggle can be traumatic, but let's not be afraid. Jehovah is with us!
  Let us pray to God today, to grace & strengthen us in times of our struggles and pain IJN. Amen.
-Olu Akpata (Zûr)

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